参加登録締め切り迫る Registration ends soon

参加登録締め切り迫る Registration ends soon

by Hideto HARASHIMA -
Number of replies: 1



Dear conference goers,

In case you have not yet registered for the coming MoodleMoot Japan 2017, let me remind you the deadline for registration and payment is fast approaching; it's Wednesday, February 8th. Please don't let this wonderful opportunity to learn the recent developments of the cutting-edge LMS pass by you. As soon as we confirm your registration and payment, your receipt, name card, reception ticket, etc. will become available online. Thank you.

In reply to Hideto HARASHIMA

Re: 参加登録締め切り迫る Registration ends soon

by Hideto HARASHIMA -


Today is the deadline of registration for MoodleMoot Japan 2017.