R&D News: 開発助成金申し込み期限延長!Grants applications extended to Jan 15.

R&D News: 開発助成金申し込み期限延長!Grants applications extended to Jan 15.

- ROBB Thomas の投稿
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R&D Grants
There having been no applicants, the Research and Development Committee of MAJ has decided to extend the deadline for grant applications until 15 January 2013.  If you have an idea for an enhancement to Moodle, please refer to the guidelines on our website at https://moodlejapan.org/course/view.php?id=52



Additional Name Field Project
We are happy to announce that Version2 (Sapporo) has been awarded a grant to develop a plan for adding name fields for non-Roman names to Moodle.  They will submit their plan by January 31.  The plan will be discussed with Moodle HQ and after agreement is reached, full development will begin.
