Session type Duration Description Abstract length Main Themes
Academic Proposals (peer reviewed)
Presentation 20 mins, 40 mins or 90 mins This is the 'regular' presentation type. 40-minute presentation is the standard type of presentation with a 30-munite speech plus a 10-minute Q and A session. Submissions can be research oriented (Papers) or more practical descriptions of work in progress or completed projects (Show & Tell). Choose the 90 mins type if you plan to involve the audience in some kind of discussion as part or all of your presentation. 150-200 words or kanji equivalent (375-500 characters)
  • Installation and Administration
  • Integrating Moodle
  • Moodle development
  • Moodle in non-traditional settings
  • Moodle in traditional educational settings
  • Pedagogy and Moodle
  • Students' perspectives
For sub-themes see the Call for Presentations
Showcase up to 90 mins Showcases are electronic poster-presentations. They are an opportunity for you to show others your own Moodle course(s), or your institutions' Moodle web site to the MoodleMoot participants in a more relaxed setting where the participants are more free to ask questions.
Lightning Talk 10 mins
(includes changeover time)
Chose this type to present just a single idea, concept, method or opinion about Moodle. Three to four LTs will be placed back-to-back in 40-minute timeslots, and eight or nine LTs in 90-minute timeslots. 75-100 words or kanji equivalent (180-250 characters) As above plus:
  • Publicity for a Showcase
  • Examples of success, failure or something out of the ordinary
  • Improving Moodle & Mahara
  • Reports from abroad
  • Introduction to a special ICT tool or Web service
  • Moodle pet peeve (& a solution)
  • An invitation to participate in a project
  • Introduction to a study group or event
  • An example of overcoming an obstacle to introducing Moodle into a school or organization
Non-Academic AND Non-Commercial Proposals (peer reviewed)
Case Study 20 mins This is for people in a non-academic field to report on a practical merit of using Moodle for employee training, service enhancement, efficient in-house communication, etc. Any commercial element must be avoided. Company or product names should not appear in the title nor in the abstract. 75-100 words or kanji equivalent (180-250 characters) worker training/management/improvement etc.
Workshop and Genius Bar Proposals (on the basis of request from the Workshop coordinator)
Workshop 90 mins Choose this type if you plan to do a hands-on, how-to type of presentation. 150-200 words or kanji equivalent (375-500 characters)
  • How to use all aspects of Moodle
Genius Bar up to 90 mins Please volunteer to be a Moodle Genius if you believe that you will be able to answer attendees' Moodle questions: you can specify your field of Moodle expertise. You will be asked to indicate your area(s) of Moodle expertise. Example areas of expertise:
  • All or specific resource and activity modules
  • Other functions and features (e.g. Gradebook, Roles and Permissions, etc.)
  • Moodle 3.x
  • Installation
  • Administration
  • Integrating with other systems (e.g. Mahara)
  • Moodle security
  • etc.
Sponsors' Presentations
Commercial presentation 40 mins or 90 mins For commercial organizations or individuals wishing to present a Moodle related product or service. "Presentation with Lunch" is also available to valued sponsors. Contact the sponsor coordinator. 175-200 words or kanji equivalent (375-500 characters) Publicity for a Moodle Moodle related product or service
Commercial Lightning Talk 10 mins
(includes changeover time)
For commercial organizations or individuals wishing to present just a single Moodle related product or service. 75-100 words or kanji equivalent (180-250 characters)


  1. All submissions MUST be within the specified word count. Please understand that any submissions that are too short or too long will be automatically rejected.
  2. All co-authors are strongly encouraged to register AND to present at the Moot. Any co-author who has not registered to attend the Moot may not be listed in the program as a "co-author".
  3. Submissions may be in English or Japanese. If accepted, you will be given the option of submitting a Japanese or English version of your abstract.
  4. Please understand that with the exception Workshops and the Genius Bar, there is a restriction of one presentation per person.
  5. Eligibility for Commercial Presentations (all forms of presentations including lightning talks, workshops, and others) are limited to the current Sponsors of the Moodle Association of Japan, or those who will complete application procedure by the time of Moodle Moot.

Also, please read the MAJ Policies for Proposal Submissions

Click here to submit a proposal

Last modified: Sunday, 2 July 2017, 11:55 PM