Katsuaki SUZUKI

Prof. Katsuaki SUZUKI

Director, Research Center for Instructional Systems, Kumamoto University, Japan

Born in 1959. Ph.D., Instructional Systems, Florida State University. Visiting professor at the Open University Graduate School Japan (2006-2009); part-time lecturer at Tohoku University Graduate School; director of International Board for Standards of Training, Performance, and Instruction; The 8th President of Japan Society for Educational Technology; board member and editorial member of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education; Vice President of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies; honorary member of e-Learning Consortium Japan, etc.


Instructional Design and Moodle


This talk will discuss how Moodle can provide the optimal learning environment for various types of learning tasks, especially higher order learning, from instructional design perspective. Moodle has such standard functions as auto-score quizzes and forum. In order to create learning environment for various types of learning outcomes, how these functions can be combined and used? Using examples from internet based graduate school at Kumamoto University, a proposal will be presented in this talk. 

北村士朗・鈴木克明・他10名(2007)「eラーニング専門家養成のためのeラーニング大学院における質保証への取組:熊本大学大学院教授システム学専攻の事例」『メディア教育研究』第3巻2号(特集:e-Learning における高等教育の質保証への取組み) 25-35
鈴木克明(2017)教授・学習過程の革新ー教授設計論(Instructional Design)の視座からの提言ー.東北大学高度教養教育・学生支援機構紀要 第3号, 13-26

Prof. Greg KESSLER

Ohio University, USA

Dr. Greg Kessler is based at Ohio university where he is Associate Professor of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in the Department of Linguistics. He is also the Director of the Language Resource Center, and chair of the Faculty Technology Advisory Group (FTAG). His research addresses technology, language, language learning and associated human behavior. He has published and presented widely in the area of CALL, and has conducted seminars about technology and language around the world.

Talk Instructional Technology and Moodle

Abstract The presenter will share his thoughts about the dramatically changing nature of teaching and learning. With a focus on the importance of designing instructional experiences in a thoughtful manner, he will share a number of recent developments related to educational technology. These include developments in artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality and various forms of automation. These developments Are already altering our thinking about teaching and learning and they indicate numerous future developments. Unfortunately, while these developments offer great promise, they may also threaten or intimidate some teachers. The presenter will share thoughts about the need to embrace these developments as we move toward a new era of teaching learning.



Moodle HQ Developer, Czech Republic

David Mudrak is currently a developer for Moodle HQ. His background includes ICT teaching and research into the theory of education. He is the author of several Moodle extensions and customizations and promotes Moodle in the Czech Republic.

Talk Latest News from Moodle HQ: Development, Contributions, and Plugins

Abstract Moodle is a community project developed by many contributors from various institutions, companies, schools and organizations. Moodle development is coordinated and led by a company familiarly known as Moodle HQ. The talk will provide a short overview of the company, its missions and values. Come and see how things work behind the scenes, how people from all around the world communicate and collaborate daily in various work groups and teams, and what tools and processes they use to deliver new features and bug fixes regularly into every new Moodle version. Some of the recent projects run by the HQ will be presented along with the vision and direction of future Moodle development. As one of the Moodle core developers, David Mudrak will share his personal experience of working with the community, facilitating developers contributing to Moodle and setting high quality standards for the submitted code.

Last modified: Sunday, 16 December 2018, 8:11 AM