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Title題名 Review査読 Type種類 Language言語 Main presenter筆頭発表者 Abstract要約
2007-P The CLEAR Framework to Implement Active Learning in Moodle-based CMS 61
Presentation (20 mins) English Dr. Jingjing LIN
The practices of active learning in STEM classrooms have been slow despite the rapidly accumulating research evidence. Effectively translating this new paradigm into teaching activities requests some actionable course design framework that can explicitly guide the implementation of active learning by teachers. This paper presents a novel conceptual framework – CLEAR (Create, Learn, Extend, Apply, and Remember) – to promote and implement active learning in undergraduate-level STEM classrooms and to foster digital change of faculty development programs. The CLEAR framework has both the theory layer and the practice layer. CLEAR template courses are introduced as online faculty development method, and its nested course structure will allow learners to experience active learning at both the course and the lesson level.
3005-P Using the Moodle Quiz Module for an English Course Placement Test 85
Presentation (20 mins) English Mr. Jack Bower
バウワー ジャック
It is generally accepted that dividing foreign language classes by proficiency levels results in better outcomes for all stakeholders. However, commercial foreign language placement tests are expensive, and developing in-house, paper-based placement tests is costly and time consuming. This presentation will explain a kaken-funded research project. The project goal is to design a freely-available, Moodle-delivered, CEFR-informed English language course placement test for Japanese universities. The presenter will firstly show how the placement test was designed with reference to the CEFR A1, A2 and B1 levels using CEFR-J and Cambridge English Profile resources. Secondly, the reasons Moodle was chosen to deliver the test will be detailed. These reasons include convenience, practicality, cost efficacy, safety during the pandemic and test security. Lastly, preliminary validity evidence supporting the proposed interpretation of test scores for dividing students into three statistically distinct language proficiency levels will be presented. After the presentation the audience will be invited to discuss ways to maximize test security and functionality when using the Moodle Quiz module.
3009-P LTIカスタムパラメータによる Moodle - JupyterHub 連携に関する研究 84
Presentation (20 mins) Japanese Prof. Fumikazu ISEKI
井関 文一



2006-P Using NLP Tools and Python to Create Moodle Resources 79
Presentation (20 mins) English Prof. Robert Gommerman
The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate and explore ways in which programming can be combined with Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools to quickly and easily create Moodle resources. NLP involves the use of computer programming to process written or spoken language. One purpose of NLP is to create models that will predict and categorize language according to a specific target variable. A programming language that is commonly used in this is Python, and there have been many tools designed in Python to assist in the creation of NLP models. However, these tools could also be repurposed to help create content that can easily be transferred into the Moodle environment.  One such tool is spaCy, which, for example, has the ability to tag words by part of speech, enabling a user to instantly identify nouns, verbs, articles, etc.. in any given text.   With a little bit of programming, this could then be used to quickly create activities, such as cloze quizzes for Moodle.   This presentation will be of interest to Moodle users who are not only technically proficient, but also those who are curious about programming, NLP, and integrating these tools with Moodle. 
2023-L Student self-introduction videos using the Moodle Database Module 82
Lightning talk (10 mins) English Mr. David CAMPBELL
キャンベル デビッド
In large online classes, it can be challenging for an instructor to make a personal connection with students when using Zoom or BigBlueButton, especially when students refuse to turn on their cameras. How can an instructor start to put names to faces in this environment? One way is to have the students make a self-introduction video using the Moodle database module. This lightning round will go through the steps in creating the database, and possible problems an instructor might encounter.
2031-P Database Enhancement Project update and an explanation of the Moodle Users Association Project Development Cycle 84
Presentation (20 mins) English Mr. David CAMPBELL
キャンベル デビッド
This presentation will give the status of the Database Enhancement Project, funded by a Moodle Association of Japan (MAJ) grant in 2020, and the top vote-getter in the Moodle Users Association Project Development Cycle: January-June 2021. It is now February 2022, so how close is the project to being finished? How many of the features and improvements have or will be implemented? The presentation will also look at the Moodle Users Association (MUA) and its role in improving Moodle with its Project Development Cycles. In addition, it will cover the steps in submitting a project to the MUA and the responsibilities of the project manager if the project gets the most votes from the MUA members.
Rethinking a Discussion Class using Moodle: Better Class Administration 85
Presentation (20 mins) English Prof. B. Bricklin (Brick) ZEFF
This presentation is an overview of a course redesigned using Moodle. The presenter will not take an in-depth look at the modules used but will simply assess their functionality. The results were not new but can serve to rethink courses with lots of paper submissions. Because of the situation with COVID-19, with many classes turning to online resources, a discussion class at a small private university of third-year students was moved to an online format using Zoom. The main concern when undertaking this conversion was, could the class be administrated effectively without the face-to-face conditions for handing in papers? This administration involved the handing in of homework and other assignments. Usually, these were collected and collated at the end of each session. For this situation, the course used the Announcement Forum module, the Quiz module with the plugin Essay (auto-grade). Also, the approach used a simple Forum setup. In this presentation, the presenter will address how the course integrated Moodle to administrate, including setting up Essay (auto-grade). And using Moodle for this course now in a face-to-face setting to streamline administration will be discussed.
3003-P 山口大学におけるMoodleシステムの性能改善及び機能拡張 98
Presentation (40 mins) Japanese Dr. Tomoya SAITO
齊藤 智也

山口大学情報基盤センターではこれまで、Moodle 2を活用した授業支援サービスを提供してきた。我々は2021年度に、新たにMoodle 3システムを構築した。新旧のシステムはいずれも仮想サーバとして構築されているが、物理サーバの性能の向上に伴い、新システムの同時利用者数は従来の3倍程度まで増加している。また、単一障害点の減少により、耐障害性の向上を図っている。旧システムでは連携する外部システムは動画配信システムであるKalturaだけであったが、新システムではMximaPool、VPL、及びJupyterHubとも連携している。これにより、STACK問題やプログラミング演習課題にも対応可能となった。加えて、学習レコードストアの一種であるLearning Lockerとも連携しており、学生の活動履歴をxAPI形式に変換し、データベースに記録することが可能となった。本発表の前半では、Moodle 3システムにおける性能改善及び障害対策の向上について紹介する。後半ではJupyterHub及びLearning Lockerを中心として、外部システムとの連携の状況について紹介する。

2038-P BYOA - Bring Your Own App 90
Presentation (20 mins) English Mr. Elton LACLARE
ラクレア エルトン
Never has the value of a learning management system been more apparent than during the period of remote teaching brought about by COVID-19. Many teachers coming to Moodle for the first time have brought with them their own online teaching tools. Although many of these tools duplicate functions already available in Moodle, they provide a welcome source of familiarity for teachers and learners. This presentation will introduce two third-party services that have become popular among teachers the presenter’s university since the start of the pandemic: Padlet and ZenGengo. Padlet is a platform for real-time collaboration in which users can upload, organize, and share content to virtual bulletin boards called "padlets." The padlets can take a variety of forms including timelines, maps and canvases that enhance interactivity in both remote and face-to-face teaching situations. ZenGengo is a content authoring platform specially designed for language teaching and learning. It features 10 assignment types including audio recording, video recording, and speaking drill. All of the assignment types can be auto-graded and feedback is available in three modalities: text, audio and video. This presentation will introduce these platforms and speak more generally about the benefits of accommodating third-party services in the Moodle environment.
2008-P 情報処理学会論文誌「教育とコンピュータ」におけるMoodle3を用いた論文査読システムの構築 86
Presentation (20 mins) Japanese Mr. Takayuki Nagai
孝幸 永井


Moodle3では「セクション」に対してグループに基づくアクセス制限ができることを利用し、コース内に著者連絡用・第1査読者用・第2査読者用・メタ査読者用の4つのセクションを設けることで1つの論文の査読が1つのコースで完結する方式とした。この工夫に加えてMoodleの基本機能(カスタムフィールド等)Workflow block, FilterCodes等のプラグインを適切に組み合わせることで論文査読と論文誌の運営が行えることを報告する。