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    •  Picture of Professor Ogata

      緒方 広明 教授





      CEO Moodle Pty Ltd
      Founder of Moodle

       Picture of Professor Harashima

      原島 秀人 教授


      MoodleとMAJ ―― 過去から未来へと広がる道 ――

      Moodleが生まれて22年、私がMoodleを使い始めて18年。日本ムードル協会(MAJ)が設立されて11年が経つ。初代会長としてどの様な経緯でM A Jが発足に至ったのか、今皆さんと一緒に振り返り、M A Jの原点を見つめ直してみたいと思う。また自分やM A Jのメンバーが行ってきた研究・開発を振り返り、それが今後のMoodleにどの様な貢献となり得るのかを考えたい。そしてこれからのMoodleはどうなって行くのか、M A Jはどう発展して行くのかについて私論的未来予想を述べる。

      Dr. Lin Jingjing



      Crafting Hackerspaces with Moodle and Mahara: The Potential of Creation-based Learning

      Moodle is a familiar platform to many educators but making Moodle-supported online learning a student-centered active learning journey is not so familiar as a teaching practice. Japan’s adoption of educational technology (edtech) in the classroom has been slower than other developed countries, and as a result many Japanese teachers are underprepared to use edtech in their teaching. Hence there is a necessity to introduce simple and easy-to-follow educational approaches for teachers to experiment with offering active learning experiences in Moodle online classrooms. Creation-based learning (CBL) is an educational approach that aims to scaffold online active learning. Together with its associated instructional design model "CLEAR" the approach offers a promising pedagogical foundation for crafting online hackerspaces, where teachers use "creation" as a teaching tool in Moodle, and students deliver their "creations" as learning output in Mahara. Combining such pedagogical considerations and technical capabilities is a powerful way for educators to improve their online classrooms with hackerspaces in Moodle and Mahara.