2017年度論文集への投稿/submission to Proceedings 2017

2017年度論文集への投稿/submission to Proceedings 2017

- 八木(佐伯) 街子 の投稿
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2017年度の日本ムードル協会全国大会発表論文集を発行することになりました. 以下の要領であなたのプレゼン原稿の提出を募集します.(English below)
論文の種類は、一般論文、査読付き論文です.論文集には,ISSN番号「2189-5139」が割り振られました.以前の論文集は、URL:https://moodlejapan.org/journal/ から閲覧できます.
発表論文集の原稿を用意する簡単な方法は,次のリンクからMS-Wordのテンプレート、日本語テンプレート(拡張子:dotx)、をダウンロードして、適切な箇所を上書きして論文を作成し、拡張子docx で保存してください.
処理を敏速にするために、提出はPDFファイルではなくこのテンプレートで作成したWordファイル(拡張子:docx (注意:dotx ではない))を送ってください(not PDF file).
原稿は2(lightning talk)から6ページに制限します.
MAJ will be publishing Proceedings of the MoodleMoot 2017. Please submit your draft following the information below.
Papers are classified into general paper and paper with peer review. Our proceedings will be assigned an ISSN number, "2189-5139". Proceedings before 2017 can be seen at URL: https://moodlejapan.org/journal/ .
If you wish to submit a paper for peer review, please be punctual to the deadline written below otherwise your paper will be published as a general article. You should mention that your paper is considered as a refereed section in your email with a draft. Other papers also submit a paper on the following date in principle.
We recommend all authors submit a draft of their talk to the editor, editor_AT_moodlejapan.org (please replace "_AT_" with the symbol "@" when you send the email), on or before May 31 (Fri.), 2017.
Please put your presentation ID number as the subject of your email. If you do not have presentation number, please specify a type of presentation, e.g., workshop, in the subject of your email. Also, put your presentation ID number at the left-top of the draft where a temporary number 111 is written.
Please use only the MS-Word template provided here : English Template (extension is dotx). The easiest way to prepare a draft is to overwrite a MS-Word template provided with your draft and save it.
The draft may be in Japanese or English. However authors, title, and abstract must be in both English and Japanese.
As it will save considerable time in preparing the proceedings, please send only the MS-Word with an extension docx draft (be careful this is not dotx) (and not PDF file).
We are restricting the number of pages for your draft to a minimum of two (lightning talk) and a maximum of six.
We do not accept a PowerPoint file. Please submit the Word file.