投稿締切延長・基調講演者の決定 / Postpoment of deadline for submission, determination of keynote speakers

投稿締切延長・基調講演者の決定 / Postpoment of deadline for submission, determination of keynote speakers

- MATSUKI Takayuki の投稿
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【来年のMoodleMoot 2018の基調講演者の決定

(English below)



Moot 2018 のサイトページを通してムート参加登録、発表申込,参加費支払い手続きをして頂ければと思います.日本のムートはその研究発表の質の高さでも注目されています.是非,多くの方々の参加,発表を期待しております.

開催地:武蔵大学 (東京都練馬区)http://www.musashi.ac.jp

発表申込期間:10月31日 (火)
スポンサー発表申込期限:11月30日 (木)


[ Deadline for presentation proposal is postponed]
Deadline for presentation proposal is postponed one month later, i.e., Oct. 31 (Tue), 2017.

[ Keynote speakers and featured speakers habe been determined]
Dr. Martin Dougiamas, Prof. Katsuaki Suzki, and Prof. Greg Kessler

We are annoucing a brief introduction of the keynote/featured speakers both for Japanese and English at

Dr. Martin Dougiamas is coming next Moot 2018 following the last Moot 2017 to give us new topics being considered in MoodleHQ, Prof. Katsuaki Suzki of Kumamoto university, an authority of Instructional Design in Japan, is also giving a talk, and last but not least, Prof. Greg Kessler of Ohio university, specialist of linguistics, is giving a talk on Instructional Technology related to Moodle.

The official site is ready for registration, a proposal of your presentation, sponsor proposals Japanese moot is known for its high standard presentations of in-depth research. I hope presenters and participants will outnumber all the previous moots next year.

Venue: Musashi University (Nerima, Tokyo) http://www.musashi.ac.jp
Conference workshops: Feb 21st (Wed); Main Conference: Feb 22nd - 23rd (Thu, Fri), 2018
Deadline for presentation proposals: Oct. 31th (Tue)
Deadline for sponsored proposals: Nov. 30th (Thu)