日本ムードルムート2020 参加登録 受付開始 / Registration for MoodleMoot Japan 2020 is Now Open

日本ムードルムート2020 参加登録 受付開始 / Registration for MoodleMoot Japan 2020 is Now Open

by Jun SAITO -
Number of replies: 1

日本ムードルムート2020 の参加登録の受付を開始いたしました。サイト(https://moodlejapan.org/course/view.php?id=83&lang=ja)内の「参加登録」のセクションからご登録ください。



We are pleased to announce that the registration for MoodleMoot Japan 2020 is now open. Please proceed to the section “Registration” at the Moot site (https://moodlejapan.org/course/view.php?id=83&lang=en) to complete your registration.

We apologize for opening the registration considerably behind schedule. As for the fee payment, we are still in the process of final arrangement. Thank you for your patience. please refer to "Membership Categories and Fees" and "Payment Methods".

We are looking forward to seeing you all at the Moot Japan 2020.

In reply to Jun SAITO

Re: 日本ムードルムート2020 参加登録 受付開始 / Registration for MoodleMoot Japan 2020 is Now Open

by Jun SAITO -

For the payment for MoodleMoot Japan 2020, please refer to "Membership Categories and Fees" and "Payment Methods".