総会議案提案 Proposal to AGM

総会議案提案 Proposal to AGM

by Hideto HARASHIMA -
Number of replies: 0

来るMoodle Moot Japan 2013の初日、3月2日に日本ムードル協会の総会が開かれます。会員の方のご出席を願います。総会の議題として検討して欲しい案件をお持ちの方は、今月末までに、 info@moodlejapan.org  までメールでお申し込み下さい。


On the first day of Moodle Moot Japan 2013, we have the third Annual General Meeting of our membership.  We expect every member to attend. If you have a proposal to be considered as one item on the agenda, please mail to info@moodlejapan.org by the end of this month. Thank you.