2018年度論文集のテンプレートについて/Template of Proceedings 2018

2018年度論文集のテンプレートについて/Template of Proceedings 2018

by Machiko SAEKI YAGI -
Number of replies: 0


メールに添付して2018 年5月31日(木)までに,editor_AT_moodlejapan.orgへ提出してくださるよう全てのプレゼンを行った方達にお薦めいたします.(_AT_を@に置き換えてください.)

We announced the submission to proceedings 2018 last week. (https://moodlejapan.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=1506
Please use only the MS-Word template provided here (Template).

Please confirm the contents of this template. 
We recommend all authors submit a draft of their talk to the editor, editor_AT_moodlejapan.org (please replace "_AT_" with the symbol "@" when you send the email), on or before May 31 (Thu.), 2018.
We are looking forward to your submission.